Zero Waste
Puntacana Resort & Club has developed Descarga Cero, an integrated solid waste management program, as part of our commitment to the environment, the local community and the provision of high quality services to our guests and residences. Residents and business partners of Puntacana Resort & Club actively participate in our recycling program to help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. This reduces potential health problems caused by improper waste management, protects the local community from landfill contamination, and helps make Punta Cana a better place to live.
FAQsFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. ¿What is the solid waste collection schedule?
Garbage, organic and recyclable waste:
- ARRECIFE: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - 9:30am.
- CORALS: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - 9:30 a.m.
- LA MARINA: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - 11:00am.
- TORTUGA BAY: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - 10:00 a.m.
- PUNTACANA VILLAGE: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - 9:30 a.m.
Garden Waste:
- ARRECIFE: Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 8:00 a.m.
- CORALS: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday - 8:00 a.m.
- LA MARINA: Tuesday and Friday - 8:00am.
- TORTUGA BAY: Tuesday and Friday - 8:00am.
- PUNTACANA VILLAGE: Monday to Saturday - 10:00am.
2. ¿Where can I buy sacks, covers and other materials for waste separation?
The Puntacana Group Foundation, located in front of the PUNTACANA Resort & Club, sells all the appropriate materials for the proper management of your household solid waste. The materials are sold AT COST to facilitate this program. The Puntacana Group Foundation does not profit from the sale of these materials. You are welcome to purchase these materials elsewhere if you find them at a better price, however all households should follow our waste management guidelines..
3. ¿What are the most important things I should know about solid waste management at Puntacana Resort & Club and Puntacana Village?
- Always wash recyclable materials before placing them in the appropriate container.
- Always use transparent bags to separate organic and recyclable waste.
- Always close the sleeves before placing them inside the appropriate containers.
- Always leave separated materials in front of your house on collection days in a covered dumpster.
- Never mix organic waste with recyclables. Once recyclable materials have been mixed with organic waste, they are no longer suitable for recycling.
4. ¿What type of bag should I use to store solid waste?
Always use clear plastic bags to separate organic and recyclable waste. Garbage can be placed in a regular garbage bag. Yard waste should be stored in a plastic bag or reusable material. The Ecological Foundation sells all the materials required.
5. ¿I can leave my waste for collection in front of my house on any day of the week?
If your household waste is left on the street outside of the established collection schedule, it will definitely not be picked up. If you continue to leave your household waste outside without respecting the collection schedule, you will be contacted by the PUNTACANA Village Resident Services office.
6. ¿What should I do if the truck does not pick up my solid waste?
You may contact the Solid Waste Management Department at (809) 957-2714, ext. 3113 / 1808 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
7. ¿Why don't I have to separate recyclable materials into categories such as glass, plastic bottles, cans, newspapers, etc.?
Grupo PUNTACANA has a Recycling Center where recyclable materials are sorted into categories and organized for collection by a company that specializes in recycling. As long as the materials are separated into 4 categories (Organic Waste, Yard Waste, Recyclable Waste, and garbage) the Solid Waste Management Department will supervise that the materials are properly separated.
8. ¿I have quite a few cardboard boxes that I need to get rid of and these do not fit in clear sleeves. ¿What should I do?
All cardboard boxes should be disassembled and folded as much as possible and then placed in clear sleeves or left out with other recyclables on the appropriate collection day. Disassembled cardboard boxes are the only items that can be left on the street outside of the appropriate trash receptacle if they do not fit inside.
9. I just moved into my house and I have quite a few boxes and cardboard materials from my TV, stereo, and other equipment and I don't have room in the house to store them until pickup day, so I have a lot of boxes and cardboard materials. What should I do?
Please call the Solid Waste Management Department at 809 - 957 - 2714, ext. 3113 / 1808 or send an email to a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to schedule a special collection.
10. ¿What is the difference between organic waste and yard waste?
Organic waste consists of food waste and leftover food, coffee grounds, eggshells, fruit peels, and vegetable waste. Yard waste consists of leaves, grass, grass clippings, coconut leaves, and tree branches. These materials go through different processes to be converted into usable material and are collected on different days according to the established schedule.
11. ¿What can be done with batteries, light bulbs and other hazardous waste such as paint cans and solvents?
Currently, the Solid Waste Management Department does not control hazardous waste. We are looking for a solution to this problem. a. You may store these wastes for a short time and we will update you once we determine the proper way to dispose of these materials..
12. ¿What do I do with my old refrigerator or washing machine or other such appliances?
Please call the Solid Waste Management Department at 809-957-2714, ext. 3113 / 1808 or send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to schedule a special collectionl.
13. ¿Where do you take recyclable materials?
All recyclable materials are taken to the PUNTA CANA Recycling Center to be sorted and then collected by an authorized recycling company.
14. ¿Why should I help the Puntacana Group benefit monetarily by selling my recyclable materials?
Grupo Puntacana profits almost nothing from the sale of recyclable materials. We have developed the Integrated Solid Waste Management program as part of our commitment to the environment, the local community and to provide high quality services to our guests and residents. By actively participating in our recycling program you can help to: reduce the amount of waste that is sent to local landfills, reduce the amount of potential health problems caused by improper waste management, protect the local community from pollution created by landfills, and help make Punta Cana a better place to live.

About Our Project

Circular Economy Model for Organic Waste in Tourist Zones
The Puntacana Group Foundation (FGPC) signed an agreement with the Innovation Laboratory of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB-Lab), with the purpose of implementing the project "Circular Economy Model for Organic Waste in Tourist Zones", ATN/ME-18335-DR.
Food waste is a major problem. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), one third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted each year, amounting to 1.3 billion tons. This represents an estimated economic value of US $936 billion, not including environmental and social costs.
In the Province of Altagracia, Dominican Republic, it is estimated that more than 50% of the waste produced is organic and comes mainly from food products used in the kitchens of different types of establishments such as restaurants, hotels and others linked to the tourism sector. used in the kitchens of different types of establishments such as restaurants, hotels and others linked to the tourism sector. In the case of Punta Cana Resort & Club (PCRC), it is estimated that 10 MT/day of food waste is produced. In addition, 140 m3/day of green waste (grass, leaves, leaves, leaves, etc.) are generated. of green waste (grass, leaves, plants and tree trimmings) and about 180 MT/day of sargassum during the months that it reaches the coast.
This situation provides an opportunity to explore innovative initiatives that take advantage of the organic waste generated in tourist areas, The situation opens an opportunity to explore innovative initiatives that take advantage of the organic waste generated in tourist areas, promote the efficient management of inputs in kitchens, and promote entrepreneurship and employment that in the short term will contribute to the economic reactivation of the area. In this sense, it is proposed to develop a private model for organic waste management in tourist areas by adopting a new culture and practices and adopting new technologies that minimize the use of organic waste. and adoption of new technologies that minimize the generation of waste and promote its transformation and reuse.
Pig Farmers' Organic Organic Waste from Pig Farmers
Organic wastes are wastes of plant, business, industrial or animal origin produced at the household or commercial level, industrial or animal waste produced at the household or commercial level.
When properly managed, organic waste represents an opportunity to create a closed-loop system for sustainability with less environmental impact. to create a closed-loop system for sustainability with less environmental impact.

Lower environmental impact
Organic waste represents an opportunity to create a closed-loop system for sustainability.

Food Scrap Processing
Recovered food waste can be used to produce animal feed.

Reduce Climate Change Effects
Organic waste can be managed in a beneficial way, mitigating the effects of climate change.

Food Production of
Safe Form for Pigs
The success of any livestock operation, regardless of its size or species, depends on
will depend on the management of the fundamentals of animal production, these are:
- Selection and improvement (to whom I reproduce)
- Reproduction (how I reproduce them)
- Nutrition (how to feed them correctly)
- Health (how to keep them healthy)
- Management (how, when, where and why to raise them)

Discarded organic waste produces greenhouse gases.
When the soil is heated by the sun, gases retain energy from the soil emitting carbon dioxide, methane and other gases.
These gases contribute to climate change and water pollution worldwide.
“Correct sorting of organic waste reduces the risk of environmental contamination. risks of contamination to the environment.”

Create a new culture in the management of organic waste in tourist areas through the adoption of new technologies that minimize waste generation and promote its transformation and reuse. adopting new technologies that minimize waste generation and promote its transformation and reuse.
For more information download our didactic guides